Pro Shops
We will be hosting a Beat-the-Pros Tournament on December 10 at Riverview Golf Course, which will celebrate the renovation. Hosting the event in December provides the opportunity for our Winter guests to participate and ties into our fundraising efforts for our chosen Winter Celebration Charity. This year the chosen charity is the Sun City Fire Department. The format will be a two person scramble. Prior to play, Golf Magazine’s “2013 Golf Entertainer of the Year” Brad Denton, will be putting on a Trick Shot Show. After the show Brad will head out to a par 3, for a donation Brad will hit a drive for your team, aiding in your attempt to Beat the Pros. Applications for the event are available at each golf shop, the deadline to enter is December 2.
Complimentary golf clinics at Lakes West began on October 31, with approximately 100 students participating the first session followed by 110 students on November 7 and 14. The final free clinic will be held on November 21, with a 9:30am. start. Clinics are open to all skill levels and do not require registration. This is a great opportunity to introduce a family member, friend or neighbor to the wonderful game of golf. Free clinics will be offered again in March 2016.
Beginning December 1 and continuing through January 31, the first tee time will be 8:00am. This change does not apply to Wednesday Men’s Day, the time on Wednesdays will remain 7:30am. This change was made several years ago to reduce the number of tee times lost to frost delays and to open more times for those wishing to play.
Plenty of new merchandise is on display and for sale at Riverview Golf Course. If you are in the market for a bargain, Willowcreek has plenty of items on sale. If you are in the market for a new pair of shoes or a golf bag, we invite you to shop with us.
Golf Courses
Riverview opened on November 14, on schedule and without cart path restrictions. The response to the course renovation was mostly positive, though several golfers expressed dismay with the firmness and speed of the greens. We remind everyone that the greens were not overseeded this year to protect the putting surfaces long term. The dormant greens will putt well; however, since the putting surface is dormant and not growing, our ability to control the speed is limited.
All courses have opened for play following overseeding. The courses that recently reopened are expected to have cart path restrictions in place until Thanksgiving. The seed variety chosen for fairways and tees has performed as expected and is growing well, the more normal October temperatures also helped. Mowing heights are coming down and will continue to do so on a course specific basis. The two greens at North that have been closed due to Pythium blight are expected to reopen on November 21.
The new well on Lakes West golf course is nearing completion. The well and required infrastructure is in place and we are on the list with APS for installation of a transformer and meter. Once these items are in place the well will be energized.
Snack Shops
Total revenue has exceeded budget by $27,207 through September. We thank everyone for their continued support. Beginning November 1st, closing time for the Snack Shops has moved to 5:00pm.
Lawn Bowling and Grounds
Lawn Bowl greens have entered dormancy and speeds can be expected to increase. Lakeview Lawn Bowlers will benefit from the dormancy. Greens have been kept longer than normal to provide protection in the winter months. The grounds crew will be kept busy this winter around Lakeview mowing and trimming trees and bushes.