Strategic Alternatives Committee Meeting Update – 6/9/2023

The Strategic Alternatives Committee (SAC) held its seventh weekly meeting on Friday, June 9, 2023, at the SAC Lab (Oakmont Building B) at 2 pm. The Oakmont Recreation Center is located at 10725 W Oakmont Avenue in Sun City.

Co-Chairs John Fast and Jeff Darbut tag-teamed a presentation entitled, “Data-Driven Decision-Making: A Framework for Ranking Alternatives.” This presentation reviewed the three key decision criteria suggested for this committee – Member Use, Space, and Cost – and reminded the committee members that they represent the various groups/clubs located  at the Mountain View Recreation Center at present and possibly in the future. One of their biggest responsibilities as representatives of their groups is to remain fair and balanced and make decisions based on facts and not bias.

In preparation for entering Phase 3 of the committee agenda – Exploring Alternatives, – the committee was given tools with  which to compare the amenities that have been identified with the options that will be presented while answering questions such as, “Does the plan help fulfill the Long-Range Planning Committee’s proposed Vision, Mission, and Value Statement?” and “Will the described amenities attract existing and prospective members ?”  This phase also involves developing specific alternatives to Option 2 that take into account an analysis of the data gathered.  The committee will be using the measurements it developed to rate the alternatives developed.

Members in good standing are welcome to attend all meetings, but as with any committee meetings, guests will refrain from speaking unless recognized by the Chairs. The next meeting will be held on Friday, June 16 at 2 pm at the Oakmont Recreation Center, Building B.

NOTE: Press releases regarding the work of the RCSC Board of Directors Strategic Alternatives Ad Hoc Committee (SAC) are authored by the ad hoc committee and distributed/posted by RCSC media staff.

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